How To Restring Sash Cord In An Old
Double Hung Wooden Window

Stanley Knife
Window Bar
1 ¼ Inch Sash Cord
Johnson’s Wax
Putty Knife
Slim Metal Piece to Remove Dirt
Six Framing Nails 1 ½ Inch Long
Eight Brad Nails

Know How To Tie:
Bowline Knot
Figure Eight Knot

Step 1 – Break the paint seal and use a window bar to pry the trim piece off. Remove any nails from the trim piece from the back side to prevent damage.
Step 2 – Remove the interlocking weather stripping by removing the nails from the top and bottom of the strip. Use the window bar to prevent damage to the strip.
Step 3 – Snip the old cord and tie a slip knot to stop the rope from falling thru the pulley on each side.
Step 4 – Gently remove the sash out of the window opening.
Step 5 – Use a tool to remove any debris from the meeting rails and remember to clean out the saw kerf on the bottom of the removed sash also.
Step 6 – Remove the nail on the top of the weight pocket hatch to fully remove it, and scrape any paint away that would interfere with the sliding of the sash.
Step 7 – Vacuum all dust and debris out of the window meeting rail, weight pocket holes, and the rest of the window.
Step 8 – To restring the new cord use blue painters tape and tape the new sash cord to the old cord. Then gently pull the new cord thru and take the weight out at the bottom of the sash.
Step 9 – Cut the old cord off and tie the new cord on using a bowline knot. Put the weight back in the weight pocket and pull the cord to make sure operation is smooth.
NOTE: If you accidently lose hold of the old cord and the weight drops down in the window, tie a screw to the end of the new cord, and feed it over the pulley and down into the window pocket so you can tie it to the weight.
Step 10 – Attach sash cord to sash. Drop the weight to the bottom of the weight pocket, then put the cord down to the top of the pocket hatch… and tie a figure eight knot.
Step 11 – Then nail that knot into the mortis on the side of the removed sash and clip off the excess cord.
Step 12 – Wax the kerf on each side of the sash with “Johnson’s Wax” using a small brush. (not pictured)
Step 13 – Scrap any old paint off the interlocking weather stripping and put in the waxed saw kerf sleeve on the sash.
Step 14 – Test the sash’s operation before putting in the weather stripping and hammering the knot into the other side of the sash.
Step 15 – Gently wedge the sash back into place with a putty knife.
Step 16 – Double check that the interlocking metal weather stripping is seated correctly. Then place 2 nails on each strip. One at the top and one at the bottom using 1 and ½ in framing nails.
Step 17 – Scrape any excess paint off the trim piece we removed in step 1 and nail in place. Make sure 1/8th of an inch is between the trim piece and the sash for smooth operation. Check that sash slides easily before nailing the top part of the trim pieces into place.

If you have any questions or would like a free consultation on repairing your old wooden windows or which storm windows would be the most energy efficient for your home…Please call me at 859-381-8401

Laryn Karsnitz
Lexington Wooden Window and Door Reconditioning Company
Serving the Central Kentucky Area

We specialize in helping older homes get energy efficient while retaining their historic charm with:
• High Quality Storm Windows
• Oversized and Curved Storm Windows
• Wooden Window Restoration And Repair
• New Double Hung Wooden Windows From Scratch
• Door Refinishing
• Interlocking Metal Weather Stripping (doors and windows)
• Glass Replacement And Glazing